Step 1: On Collection Listing/Imported NFT Listing screen, click on Import Collection button.
Step 2: Import Collection screen will appear. Please enter collection information and click on Verify Collection button.
Step 3: After verifying your collection, click on Import Collection button.
Step 4: Authorize Wallet screen will appear. Please authorize your wallet.
If your wallet is authorized successfully, a Signing Message screen will be displayed, let's click Sign on your wallet.
Step 5: Your new collection will be displayed on the Collection Listing screen.
How to put on sale the NFTs from the imported collections
Step 1: Go to the Main menu > NFT > Imported NFT to display all NFTs you imported to your store.
Step 2: Select the NFT you want to put on sale then click on the Sell button.
Step 3: Enter the Sale Quantity and Price. Select the currency you want to list the NFT in. Then click on Approve Token to allow us to use the NFT token in your wallet.
Step 5: A pop-up shows up from your Metamask. Click on Confirm button. You just have to approve for the first-time listing. In the future, you won't have to proceed with this transaction again.
Step 6: After approving the token, click on Put on Sale.
Step 7: Sign on your Metamask to confirm the request. There will be a message of "Create NFT sell order successfully".
The sell order is created with the status Active. At the same time, NFT status changed from Off Sale to On Sale.
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