In this Section, NFTify allows you to:
- View category listing
- Edit category
- Add new category
1. View category listing
In order to see the items you have listed:
Step 1: From your Store Admin site, select Setting --> Category
Step 2: You will see all the categories you have chosen, including their Type, Item Quantity and Status. You can also:
- Search category, select type and status of category
- Edit category
- Create a new category by clicking on Add category button
2. Edit category
To edit category:
Step 1: On Store Admin site, select Setting-->Category. Click on Edit in Actions column
Step 2: Edit Category pop-up will be displayed. You can update category information including Name, Status, Image and Icon
Note: You can not change Category Name if Category is NFTify default one
Step 3: Click on Save Changes button
3. Add a new category
You can add a new category by doing the following steps:
Step 1: On Category Listing page, click on Add Category button
Step 2: Add New Category pop-up will be presented. You must enter category information including Name, Image and Icon
Step 3: Click on Create Category button
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