STEP 1: Select Live to filter the pools you can join and Click the Details button to view the detailed information of the pool.
The detailed information of the pool includes:
- Total Pool Amount: The maximum number of tokens can be staked in the pool. The text “Unlimited” is displayed if the pool does not limit the number of tokens to be staked.
- Progress Bar: Describes Total tokens staked by users / Total Pool Amount.
- Start Join Time: Start time to join this pool.
- End Join Time: End time to join this pool.
STEP 2. Connect Wallet: Skip this step if you are already connected to your wallet on NFTify staking.
STEP 3. Activate pool: Click Enable button to join the pool. After enabling the pool by confirming the transaction on your wallet, you can simply stake your tokens in the pool. Skip this step if you have already enabled N1.
STEP 4. Stake:
CASE 1: Insufficient N1 Balance
The button is disabled if you do not have N1 to stake. Click here (opens new window) to get N1
CASE 2: Sufficient N1 Balance
- The Stake popup will appear after you click the Stake button.
- Enter the amount in (1) OR select % option (2) to determine the number of tokens you want to stake.
- Click the Stake button to stake. It will connect you to your wallet address to confirm the transaction.
After staking successfully, you can see the number of tokens you staked and staking rewards.
- Linear Rate pool with no limit of lock-up term:
- Linear Rate pool with lock-up term (3 months, 6 months, 1 year):
- You can receive rewards at the date (Expiry Date): = The date time you staked + The lock-up term. You can claim rewards after this time.
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